An office fit out can make a big difference to your business. It can free up space you never thought you had.

Office Fitout Group, will create for you an office environment that’s conducive to work, helping to energise your staff and boost their productivity.

However, refurbishment work, if not planned and managed well, can be disruptive to office workflow and activities.

We at Office Fitout Group know that a haphazard office refurbishment project conducted during occupation clashes directly with what makes a business successful. The general agitation that’s felt when incessant buzzing and drilling sound is heard through walls has been shown to result in sales losses of up to 40 percent.

This problem is fully addressed and solved by us.

At Office Fitout Group, our fitout programs are designed to keep your office or store as welcoming as possible during refurbishment.

We focus on minimising disruptive noise during work hours. We make sure that drilling, grinding and other noisy works are done at a time that is least disruptive to office activities.

This means that sales and business transactions will go unhampered for the most part while quiet, non-disruptive refurbishment activities continue to be carried out.